lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

The Slender Man

The Slender Man (also known as Slender Man or Slenderman) is a fictional character that originated as an Internet meme created by user Victor Surge on the Something Awful forums in 2009. It is depicted as resembling a thin, unnaturally tall man with a blank and featureless face, and wearing a black suit. The Slender Man is commonly said to stalk, abduct, or traumatize people, particularly children.

The Slender Man was created in a contest launched on the Something Awful forums on June 8, 2009, with the goal of editing photographs to contain supernatural entities. On June 10, a forum poster with the user name "Victor Surge" contributed two black and white images of groups of children, to which he added a tall, thin spectral figure wearing a black suit.[2][3] Previous entries had consisted solely of photographs; however, Surge supplemented his submission with snatches of text, supposedly from witnesses, describing the abductions of the groups of children, and giving the character the name, "The Slender Man".

The Slender Man is described as very tall and thin with unnaturally long arms, often ending in tentacles. It has a pale featureless head and appears to be wearing a dark suit. The Slender Man is associated with the forest and has the ability to teleport.

The Portrait of the Crying Boy

This is the story of the Crying Boy or, more specifically, The Portrait of the Crying Boy.  According to legend, a fire gutted a home in 1985 destroying everything inside with one strange exception... pulled from the wreckage was an odd painting of a crying child.  The painting was uncharred and completely undamaged aside from a little soot.

As the story goes, the painting passed hands and, in 1988, there was another fire in the home of the new owners and, again, the sole surviving artifact was the painting of the crying boy.

The myth says that the painting of the crying boy was found in the remains of several homes gutted by fire.  One woman even said that she only had the painting for six months before her home was destroyed.

With any urban legend, there is a great deal of embellishment when it comes to the story to the point that it's almost become impossible to tell fact from fiction.  It's possible that there was more than one "crying boy" painting and it's possible that the lacquer on the painting repelled the flames long enough for it to survive.

Whatever the case... fact or fiction... there is one fact that is both insidious and comical at the same time.  When a retiring Yorkshire Fireman was given a framed copy of the painting as a going away gift, he politely refused it.

The Weeping Woman

The Weeping Woman

Although several variations exist, the basic story tells of a beautiful woman by the name of Maria who drowns her children in order to be with the man that she loved. The man would not have her, which devastated her. She would not take no for an answer, so she drowned herself in a lake in Mexico city. Challenged at the gates of heaven as to the whereabouts of her children, she is not permitted to enter the afterlife until she has found them. 

Maria is forced to wander the Earth for all eternity, searching in vain for her drowned offspring, with her constant weeping giving her the name "La Llorona". She is trapped in between the living world and the spirit world.

In some versions of this tale and legend, La Llorona will kidnap wandering children who resemble her missing children, or children who disobey their parents. People who claim to have seen her say she appears at night or in the late evenings from rivers or oceans in Mexico. Some believe that those who hear the wails of La Llorona are marked for death, similar to the Gaelic banshee legend. She is said to cry, "Ay mis hijos!" which translates to, "Oh, my children!"



There is a popular modern legend about a monster in Scotland. The monster lives in a long, narrow and deep lake called Loch Ness, near the town of Inverness. Local people call this monster Nessie and say that she is very big and that she has a long neck, like a snake.

But, does Nessie really exist? Some people say yes, some say no. Several photographs exist of the monster, but most of these are of inferior quality. They seem to show something with a long neck, a short body and a small head.
Scientists from all over the world want to discover more about the monster.

They come with sophisticated instruments, powerful telescopes and underwater photographic equipment but visibility under water is extremely poor. In fact, there is only one meter of clear water and the rest is murky.

The legend of the monster started in 1933 when a businessman and his wife were driving by the lake. Suddenly they saw a grey object that looked like a prehistoric animal moving in the water at about one km. away. Then it disappeared. The next day their story appeared in the British and international press and the Loch Ness monster became famous instantly.

Over the years other people say that they have seen something that looked like a prehistoric monster in the lake, but no one has managed to catch it, so the monster still remains a mystery today. This legendary animal attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world who come to Loch Ness hoping to see the monster and decide if she really exists, for themselves.

Maybe, one day Nessie will show her face to the world. Meanwhile, real or imaginary, Nessie has brought prosperity to the area because visitors buy everything from monster T-shirts to key-rings to take back home as a souvenir.



Near cemetery
Residents of the Matta area were visited by a poltergeist.  They heard footsteps, lights flickered on and off, and doors rapidly opened and closed. They also have seen scary ghost.

 A long time ago, in the sixty, this area was a cemetery, three hundred people dead because the plague and other mortal illness and they were buried in this land. So people think that this is the phenomenon’s reason.

The Abaroa house

Security guards of The Abaroa House have reporttedlyheard strange noises emanate from the bridal suite when it is not being occupied. They have also seen a figure in a long, flowing dress descending the stairs. The dress of the apparition will then catch on fire, and the figure will vanish.

The castle

This house has not residents, it is a health center. Employees of this house located between Ossa and Sucre street, have reported hearing  a baby cry, strange sounds like tricycle riding across the corridor.

The ghost road

Urban Phenomenon: The legend of Ghost  road

A ghost is an alleged non-corporeal manifestation of a dead person. It is a manifestation of the spirit or soul of a person after death.
For decades (possibly much longer) people have been reporting  strange and inexplicable phenomena occurring on 'ghost road'.

It’s very popular the legend of a young woman  who dead in a road accident in the north of Chile, this girl stop cars and then ask to the drivers if she can  get into the vehicle.
She is very pretty and always she is wearing a white dress.
The testimonies affirm that she disappear after a few minutes.  There is one case, when a man takes this young woman to her house in some small town in the middle of the desert, and next day he went to visit to her and a person in this place explained to the driver that this girl was dead in an accident a few years ago.

 There are so many testimonies but no evidences, but still people tell us that when they are driving on the road a mysterious ghost appear from nowhere.


A UFO or unidentified flying object

The UFO researcher  described a UFO as   an unidentified object or light seen in the sky or upon the land.  It appears and disappears mysteriously.
 Many people believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft, but others say there is no compelling evidence to support such a conclusion.

The Roswell UFO incident

During the first week of July 1947, a ranch farmer William "Mack" Brazel discovered an strange object in  his ranch about 75 miles northwest of Roswell (New Mexico).
Then he go to Roswell to report his “flying disk”. An intact " disc" and even alien bodies being recovered.
Some ufologists say the Roswell case is  one of the most important recorded events.
Many books and a number of TV movies supported.
There are so many movies like the Independence Day, the war World and the  X-files etc.
In the movies, series, magazines, newspaper we can see so many types of UFOS.


The United States government knows that extraterrestrials have visited our planet since at least 1947 but still will not admit that fact.
The U.S. government is currently in possession of alien technology (kept in the Nasa).

A bizarre creature in Chile

In 2002, while vacationing in the Southern Chilean city of Concepción, a group of family members found what appeared to be a small humanoid creature. The miniscule being measures about 7.2 centimeters long. It has a relatively large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs.
So many people have seen UFOS in the north of Chile, precisely in the desert.

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle (also known as Devil's Triangle)

The Bermuda Triangle covers approximately 500,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. This area of ocean roughly defined by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The "Bermuda or Devil's Triangle" is an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States, which is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft.
 A hundred years are passed, and more than 50 boats and 20 airplanes have mysteriously disappeared.

The first mention of disappearances in the area was made in 1951.  ships, airplanes and small boats in the region disappeared mysteriously .
  The term "Bermuda Triangle" was popularized by Vincent Gaddis in an August 1964

Famous incidents...

One of the best known Bermuda Triangle incidents concerns the loss of Flight 19, a squadron of U.S.A. on December 5, 1945.
the loss of The Star Tiger. This plane carried twenty-nine passengers and crew on board.

Scientific explanations...

The Lloyd's of London has determined the "triangle" to be no more dangerous than any other piece of the ocean.

The Bigfoot

Bigfoot, (also known as Big Foot and Sasquatch)

Bigfoot is described as a large, bipedal hairy humanoid creature living in remote wilderness areas of the United States and Canada, specifically those in southwestern Canada, the Great Lakes, the Pacific Northwest, the Rocky Mountains, the forests of the U.S. Northeast, and the U.S. Southern states.

Some claim it is a creature which may be found around the world under different regional names, such as the Yeti,
Sightings have allegedly occurred in Malaysia, China, Russia, Australia, South America and Hawaii.

The majority of scientists rejects the possibility of the creature’s existence, and considers the stories of Bigfoot to be a combination of unsubstantiated folklore and hoax.
Descriptions are widely divergent; enormous human-like footprints attributed to this creature gave rise to the name "Bigfoot".
Individuals generally describe a 7 to 10 feet (2 to 3 meter) tall, ape- or human-like bipedal creature, broad-shouldered and of a strong build.
All the creature's body, the face, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet is covered with short shaggy fur that is usually black or dark brown.

The footprint is one of the most impressive pieces of evidence. The tracks measure 33 centimeters.

Most alleged sightings have been at night. These creatures, if they exist, could be nocturnal.

According to Bigfoot researcher and anthropologist, the Bigfoot could be  omnivorous. It is probably mainly a vegetarian.

The Chupacabras


The chupacabra (or chupacabras) is a creature. People have been seen this mysterious creature to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated particularly with Puerto Rico (where it was first reported), Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities.
The name translates literally from Spanish as "goat-sucker."

This creature attacks and drinks the blood of livestock.

Physical descriptions of the creature vary.

Sightings began in Puerto Rico in the early 1990s


The legend of the chupacabra began in about 1992, when Puerto Rican newspapers “El Vocero” and “El Nuevo Día” began reporting the killings of many different types of animals, such as birds, horses, and as its name implies, goats.

The killings had one pattern in common: each of the animals found dead had two punctured holes around their necks.

Soon after the animal deaths in Puerto Rico, other animal deaths were reported in other countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Panama, Peru, Brazil, the United States and, most notably, Mexico.


Many residents believe that the Chupacabras is the result of some diabolical genetic experiments gone awry (fracasó) by NASA, or some other U.S. agency.
Residents of Calama and nearby communities continued to blame NASA for the apparitions and attacks of the mysterious Chupacabras.

By the other hand, in Antofagasta one person says the Chupacabra had virtually destroyed his car by making deep scratches in it with its claws. And it killed the cat. But The Chupacabras is still a mysterious creature that only a few people have seen until now.

The Quintrala

 La Quintrala

The Quintrala is a colonial historical figure, who supposedly had pacts with the devil.
In 1662, Catalina de Los Ríos y Lisperguer was born in Cabildo near La Ligua, Chile. She was a very beautiful woman but very sadistic murderer who want only tortured slaves and servants.

Doña Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer owned this place under a patronage mandate. This 17th century aristocrat lady was best known as La Quintrala. 

She was constantly accused of committing murder and flagellation against her slaves. After she had died, a thousand masses were celebrated just as she ordered in her last hours. 
Her mortal remains lie buried in San Agustín Church, in Santiago, next to Cristo de Mayo image. She had had this image taken out of her house because she did not wanted to see "men with unfriendly faces" in her house

Nowadays some people call  her spirit. Some of them tell that she appears and never leaves you in peace.

The Trauco

The Trauco

In the traditional Chilota mythology of Chiloé, the Trauco is a humanoid creature of small stature - similar to a dwarf or goblin - who lives in the deep forests. It has an ugly face, and legs without feet.

The Trauco is a mythical entity who inhabits the woods of Chiloé, an island in the south of Chile. It has a powerful magnetism that attracts young and middle-aged women. According to myth, the Trauco's wife is the wicked and ugly Fiura. The trauco carries a small stone-headed hatchet that he uses to strike trees in the forest to symbolize his sexual potency.
Whoever the Trauco chooses will go to him, even if she is sleeping, and fall enraptured at his feet. No woman can resist his magical attraction; all have sexual intercouse with him. Men of Chiloé fear the Trauco, as his gaze can be deadly.
When a single woman is pregnant and no one steps forward as the father, people assume that the Trauco is the father. Because the Trauco is irresistible, the woman is considered blameless. The Trauco is sometimes invoked to explain sudden or unwanted pregnancies, especially in unm
arried women.