lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013



There is a popular modern legend about a monster in Scotland. The monster lives in a long, narrow and deep lake called Loch Ness, near the town of Inverness. Local people call this monster Nessie and say that she is very big and that she has a long neck, like a snake.

But, does Nessie really exist? Some people say yes, some say no. Several photographs exist of the monster, but most of these are of inferior quality. They seem to show something with a long neck, a short body and a small head.
Scientists from all over the world want to discover more about the monster.

They come with sophisticated instruments, powerful telescopes and underwater photographic equipment but visibility under water is extremely poor. In fact, there is only one meter of clear water and the rest is murky.

The legend of the monster started in 1933 when a businessman and his wife were driving by the lake. Suddenly they saw a grey object that looked like a prehistoric animal moving in the water at about one km. away. Then it disappeared. The next day their story appeared in the British and international press and the Loch Ness monster became famous instantly.

Over the years other people say that they have seen something that looked like a prehistoric monster in the lake, but no one has managed to catch it, so the monster still remains a mystery today. This legendary animal attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world who come to Loch Ness hoping to see the monster and decide if she really exists, for themselves.

Maybe, one day Nessie will show her face to the world. Meanwhile, real or imaginary, Nessie has brought prosperity to the area because visitors buy everything from monster T-shirts to key-rings to take back home as a souvenir.

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