lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013



Near cemetery
Residents of the Matta area were visited by a poltergeist.  They heard footsteps, lights flickered on and off, and doors rapidly opened and closed. They also have seen scary ghost.

 A long time ago, in the sixty, this area was a cemetery, three hundred people dead because the plague and other mortal illness and they were buried in this land. So people think that this is the phenomenon’s reason.

The Abaroa house

Security guards of The Abaroa House have reporttedlyheard strange noises emanate from the bridal suite when it is not being occupied. They have also seen a figure in a long, flowing dress descending the stairs. The dress of the apparition will then catch on fire, and the figure will vanish.

The castle

This house has not residents, it is a health center. Employees of this house located between Ossa and Sucre street, have reported hearing  a baby cry, strange sounds like tricycle riding across the corridor.

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