lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013


A UFO or unidentified flying object

The UFO researcher  described a UFO as   an unidentified object or light seen in the sky or upon the land.  It appears and disappears mysteriously.
 Many people believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft, but others say there is no compelling evidence to support such a conclusion.

The Roswell UFO incident

During the first week of July 1947, a ranch farmer William "Mack" Brazel discovered an strange object in  his ranch about 75 miles northwest of Roswell (New Mexico).
Then he go to Roswell to report his “flying disk”. An intact " disc" and even alien bodies being recovered.
Some ufologists say the Roswell case is  one of the most important recorded events.
Many books and a number of TV movies supported.
There are so many movies like the Independence Day, the war World and the  X-files etc.
In the movies, series, magazines, newspaper we can see so many types of UFOS.


The United States government knows that extraterrestrials have visited our planet since at least 1947 but still will not admit that fact.
The U.S. government is currently in possession of alien technology (kept in the Nasa).

A bizarre creature in Chile

In 2002, while vacationing in the Southern Chilean city of Concepción, a group of family members found what appeared to be a small humanoid creature. The miniscule being measures about 7.2 centimeters long. It has a relatively large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs.
So many people have seen UFOS in the north of Chile, precisely in the desert.

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